

Reminder to Review the Fall Ball FAQ

Posted by Mountain View California Little League on Sep 01 2021 at 03:26AM PDT in MVLL 2021

The City has informed us our use permit is active as of Sept 1 and we are allowed to use Little McKelvey for Fall Ball. Teams have set their practice schedules and team games schedules have been distributed.

In preparation for players setting foot on the playing field, please review the Fall Ball FAQ located in the menu near the top of this page. Here are key items everyone must follow so that we can get the season started smoothly:
1. Face coverings are to be worn by every person while on the field. The only time players on the field will be allowed to be unmasked is when they are under heavy exertion (as determined by the team manager). For the period of time when a player is unmasked, the player will adhere to the practice of social distancing. Likewise, coaches and other players interacting with an unmasked player will social distance.
2. Players are encouraged to have their own equipment such as batting helmet, bat, glove, etc. If a player cannot provide their own batting helmet, the league will provide one for the season (helmet to be returned at the end of the season in good condition). Two or three sets of catcher’s gear will be provided to each team. Catcher’s gear will not be shared during practice or during a game. Catcher’s gear will be sanitized after each practice or game.
3. The only non-players allowed on the field during practices and games will be the manager, coaches, and umpires. Members of the board can be on the field when carrying out their duties. Masked parents/guardians will be allowed on the field in an emergency.
4. Team managers and coaches must contact the Safety Director at to have a background check done. If a background check was done for 2021 Spring Baseball, let the Safety Director know so that he can confirm it is current.

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