Picture Day and Hit-a-Thon is Sunday, March 27
Update Mar 29, 2022: Individual Photo Make-Up Day information to be announced.
Picture Day
Each player will receive a free personal and team photo through Shooting Stars Productions, so please be sure to attend this fun day! Be sure to print your online Order Confirmation (receipt) and bring with you on Photo Day. You will need this to enter the photo area.
SCHEDULE for Picture Day and Hit-A-Thon
Ordering Instructions Note- ALL players must register online.
We don’t do cookie sales, we don’t do magazine subscriptions, we do Hit-a-Thon! ALL players in ALL divisions will be batting for individual and team prizes in an effort to support MVLL. This is the main fundraiser for the League and your participation is needed and much appreciated. Our player registration fees are very affordable because of the great participation we get at Hit-a-Thon, from our sponsors, and Snack Shack sales. The goal this year is for each player is to raise a minimum of $50 by getting relatives, friends and neighbors to sponsor the player’s participation (families with more than one player can set their fundraising goal at $35 for each youngster). Individual and team prizes will be awarded. Prizes include a Team Pizza party for the overall Team that collects the highest donations, Team Ice Cream parties for Division fundraising leaders and an individual baseball prizes for the Hit-a-Thon distance winner.
The Longest Distance Batter from each team will be awarded a $2 coupon good at McKelvey’s Snack Shack.
A Pledge Collection Form is used by each player to record donation pledges. Pledges can be in an amount per foot of distance batted or as a fixed amount. Amounts collected must be turned in by April 30. Prize winners will be announced at the Closing Ceremony on Saturday, June 4, 2022.
The Snack Shack will be Open! We’ll also be grilling dogs and burgers.