

Picture Day and Hit-a-Thon Schedule, Sunday, March 26, 2023

Posted by Mountain View California Little League on Mar 15 2023 at 11:45PM PDT in MVLL 2023

We don’t sell candy for a fundraiser. We don’t sell cookie dough or magazines either. We do Hit-a-Thon! Ask family friends and relatives to sponsor your Little Leaguer with a flat donation or a pledge for distance batted. Plus there are individual prizes and a team prize for the most money raised.

Be at McKelvey on Sunday, March 26, 2023 at your team’s designated arrival time for team and individual photos. Every player receives a team and individual picture free of charge by registering online before the event. Be sure to bring a printed copy of the order confirmation (receipt). The confirmation is needed to enter the photo area.

1. Before Hit-a-Thon Day, ask relatives and family friends for donations and distance-batted pledges. Record donations and pledges on the player’s Pledge Form. Voluntary goal is $50 per player or $35 per player for families with 2 or more players.
2. On Hit-a-Thon Day, coaches will pitch balls. Each player gets 3 tries to bat a ball as far as they can.
3. Longest distance batted is recorded.
4. Collect money for the distance-batted pledges (For a pledge of 10 cents per foot and 100 ft batted, collect $10 for the pledge.)
5. Add up the donations and give to whoever is doing the collection for the team. All donations are due by April 15.
6. Hit-a-Thon prizes will be announced at Closing Ceremony on Saturday, June 3, 2023.

1. Each player receives a free personal and team photo through Shooting Stars Productions, so be sure to attend this fun event!
2. Each player must register and complete the free Image Mate photo form online using the Individual/Team Order Form.
3. Optional: Order photo packages, combos, and add-ons on the Order Page. (Links at the bottom of this page)
4. Be sure to print your online Order Confirmation (receipt) and bring it with you on Photo Day. Each player will need to have a unique receipt to enter the photo area.
5. Check-in time is 15 mininutes prior to your team’s photo time. Enter the big field on the 1st base side.


Check-In Time Photo Time Team Manager Hit-a-Thon Time Hit-a-Thon Field
9:45 AM 10:00 AM T-Ball A’s Abbey White/Gabriel Teo 10:30 AM Big McKelvey
9:55 AM 10:10 AM Minor Giants David Ristedt 10:45 AM Small McKelvey
10:05 AM 10:20 AM T-Ball Dodgers Arturo Verduzco 9:30 AM Big McKelvey
10:15 AM 10:30 AM Minor Pirates Tom Purcell 9:30 AM Small McKelvey
10:25 AM 10:40 AM T-Ball Astros Odette/Oslan/Field 11:10 AM Big McKelvey
10:35 AM 10:50 AM Minor A’s Keith Teleki 10:00 AM Small McKelvey
10:45 AM 11:00 AM Major Red Sox Arturo Verduzco 11:40 AM Big McKelvey
10:55 AM 11:10 AM T-Ball Rockies Joy Festa 10:00 AM Big McKelvey
11:05 AM 11:20 AM Farm A’s Daniel Gallagher 11:55 AM Small McKelvey
11:15 AM 11:30 AM Junior A’s Tony Peeples 12:00 PM Big McKelvey
Photography Break
12:45 PM 1:00 PM Major A’s Darren Stevens 12:30 PM Big McKelvey
12:55 PM 1:10 PM T-Ball Giants Ceazar Agront 1:40 PM Big McKelvey
1:05 PM 1:20 PM Farm Pirates Mike Silvia/Justin Quiambao 12:30 PM Small McKelvey
1:15 PM 1:30 PM Major Giants Pio Puragannan 1:00 PM Big McKelvey
1:25 PM 1:40 PM T-Ball Red Sox Shadi Hawanini 2:20 PM Big McKelvey
1:35 PM 1:50 PM Farm Cardinals Andy Drake 1:00 PM Small McKelvey
2:00 PM 2:15 PM T-Ball Rays Isabelle Stanton/Brian Gawalt 2:45 PM Big McKelvey
2:20 PM 2:35 PM T-Ball Angels Julian Goodstein 3:15 PM Big McKelvey
2:30 PM 2:45 PM Farm Giants Raymond Moppin 1:30 PM Small McKelvey
2:40 PM 2:55 PM T-Ball Yankees Chris Caleca 3:30 PM Big McKelvey
2:50 PM 3:05 PM Farm Red Sox Shadi Hawawini 2:00 PM Small McKelvey
3:00 PM 3:15 PM Farm Cubs Hughie Choe 2:30 PM Small McKelvey
3:10 PM 3:25 PM T-Ball Padres Mike McGrath 2:55 PM Big McKelvey


PDF of Schedule

Email Jaime Chapin, MVLL Events Director, at for more information.

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